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Prophetic word for 2024

Prophetic Perspectives 2024

As we enter a new year, I felt to share some of the things God has been putting on my heart for the church and the world for 2024. Please use discernment to test and weigh the prophetic word, but the heart of the prophetic is to help impart perspective for navigating what God is up to this coming year. When we prophetically glimpse what God is doing, we have the power, perseverance, and joy to endure and, most importantly, join Him in what He is doing. As the church, the bride, we are called to co-partner with Christ as His arms and legs on the earth. Bless you, as you process and pray over this prophetic word for 2024.

As I started to look to see, as the prophet Habakkuk did in Habakkuk 2:1. I felt the Lord showed me there would be a continual shrinking before an increased expansion. The first quarter will be a mass exodus of the church, especially those playing religion. But shrinking is not bad; it helps identify the burning ones that will burn even hotter after hearing about the mass exodus. Then, we will see a dramatic increase in the number of followers of Jesus around the globe.

God will use the things hidden in the dark to shake people out of their false beliefs and fantasies. A great light will be released to expose the things hidden in the darkness. The hidden motives of man in the secret places come into the light, and there will be a level of justice demonstrated on the earth towards those participating in dark works. There will be a valley of decisions where God gives us the ability to choose Him or continue hiding in the darkness. Just as when people experience miracles, they are confronted with the reality of the supernatural God. You can no longer pretend miracles don’t exist. So when this light of exposing comes, we are confronted with kindness that leads to repentance or hardness of heart that leads to deception.

I saw that in 2024, there will be an increase in the revelation and revolution of Hesed relationships being formed. Genuine, authentic, real relationships are formed outside the box of the religious, performance, and shame spirit. These are all strands of the stronghold of the orphan spirit. The God of Hesed is revealing Himself to the church that He is a God of steadfast love. His ability to love deeply and sustain genuine love will be made manifest to his Bride this coming year. There will be a revolution of Hesed, where people will radically abandon great theology, structures, and decades of predatory, intimidating cultures. As people experience the power of Hesed with God and people, we will hear of big organizations and churches making radical shifts and changes, just like the Apostle Paul abandoned his past to embrace the Kingdom of Love.

2024 will be a year of divine attachment and connections formed amid the shaking, wars, and rumors of war. Jesus said in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” In the trial and tribulation that is already here and now, God is forming the beauty and glory of His church. The church will shine brighter not just in the miracles, signs, and wonders but also in the glory of Hesed attachments in relationships. I hear the Lord saying, radically and mass reconciliation will take place as old wineskins are trampled upon! The new wine is for the new wineskin. As we abandon broken relational dynamics and structures of how we have been doing church and relationships, we will see God give us divine blueprints for new structures that will actually sustain the power of His Spirit moving in the here and now of this generation. I feel like as some of you read this, there is the conviction of the Spirit speaking to you to let go of the old and embrace the new, even if it requires a journey before you discover the new. Just like the Israelites needed first to leave the old system of Egypt, they went on a journey of discovery of the new promised land of God’s design. I say, be bold to let go to discover the new!

A new glory of God’s nature is being revealed this coming year. A new realm of His nature will not just be taught or a trend, but He will solidify who He is within the bride of Christ. I saw new leaders arising from the ashes, taking on the mantle of the previous generation to shine a new light on God’s uniqueness to the world. We will recognize that the young leaders and voices suddenly shift into mature voices of authority and influence. God is manifesting greater fullness of diversity of His majesty and nature to the world. This year, we will see God unlock new spheres of influence that the church previously didn’t have a voice in, begin to emerge in those places, and begin to lead and influence those groups and peoples into the glory of God. We will start to see men and women of God emerging with the glory of God resting on their lives and ministry. Just as we see in biblical history and revival history where God raised voices for that generation, in the same way, God is raising new voices to express His heart and desire radically.

These new voices will become catalysts for a global outpouring of the Spirit into more places that have not embraced the movement of the Spirit of God. There will be historical moments this year in a few people’s choices that will help awaken a greater outpouring of God’s presence on the earth. I hear the Lord saying that things that start this year will perpetuate, perpetuate, perpetuate. Those of you who have dreams and desires in your hearts, the promises of God spoken over you, don’t fret. It is not too late to see those things sprout into existence. I see that what is being cultivated this year will begin to perpetuate for generations to come.

As the Spirit is being poured out, there is a greater sense of discernment coming upon the world—the ability to discern between good and evil. The deceived will be blatantly foolish, but those in the truth will be radically truthful. The enticing spirits are being exposed for what it is. There is a shout from the heavens, proclaiming, “Stay in the light of truth!” The more you live the truth in your life in all the big and small places, the easier you will identify with what is true and false. But the more you live in lies and deception, the easier you will be deceived. God is doing something in the internal world, the heart of the church, and believers globally. Maybe in previous seasons, you could ignore or overlook the falsehood in your heart, but now is a time when it is no longer tolerable. Now is the time to go to the crevices and caverns of your heart and receive fresh oil from the Spirit. Allow Him to fill every space and door you kept shut from God. There is a divine grace to receive a heart breakthrough this year.

I saw a vision of a myriad of angels commissioned by Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God to remove another layer of the veil wrapped around the earth. The separation between the spiritual and natural realms is becoming thinner and thinner. There will be supernatural radical encounters with the realm of the Spirit and the realm of the demonic. Things are getting amplified. You will find it as long as you desire to look for it. The spiritual dimension used to work in the background, but this year, it will begin to come to the forefront of what is happening in the natural. People will be forced to make decisions about which side they stand on. Jesus says in Matthew 12:30, The one who is not with Me is against Me; and the one who does not gather with Me scatters.

I saw the Lord of Host dispatch a group of the angelic into the earth with divine messages of heaven. This group of the angelic had been held back for a time until now to release the new things that God is manifesting on the earth. We will start to hear of ever-increasing angelic encounters this year. Both in the church and the secular people in high places and those in poverty will have angelic encounters and interventions. This year, we will see an increased global embrace and partnership with the angelic. There will be global developments and embetterment of the world through the wisdom of God distributed through these angelic encounters. The world as we know it will continue to be racially transformed with the celebration of diversity, deeper Hesed relationships, and the infusion of heaven and earth.

I declare that 2024 is a year of a love revolution where hollow systems and structures are being removed. Radical boldness is coming upon the people of God to pursue the things of God. What worked in the past is being laid aside to embrace the new that God is manifesting on the earth. A greater glory of God’s nature will be experienced this year. The latter rain of the outpouring on His presence will be greater than the latter. The divide and separation between heaven and earth is becoming thinned out. We welcome the angelic majesties sent by Jesus for the fuller expression of the gospel to be made manifest in peoples, nations, and tribes. Through it all may we all radically fall deeper in love with Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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